
Make sense of your poop with the Bristol stool scale

Reading Time: 2 minutes

Your poop gives you vital hints about your gut health.

For that reason it’s important to learn to read the signals it sends you.

You can do that by using the Bristol stool scale.

What is the Bristol stool scale?

The Bristol stool scale is an easy visual tool to help you keep track of your poo.

The scale describes seven types of poop: from constipation (Type 1) to diarrhoea (Type 7).


Type 1 is pebble poop and it looks like chocolate covered raisins. Usually it’s hard to pass.

Type 2 looks like a lumpy log or sausage. When you look at it, you can see that it’s quite hard and dry.

Constipation can also mean that you’re unable to completely empty your bowels in one go or you’re not passing stools regularly.


Type 3 looks like a soft sausage but with cracks on the surface. The cracks show that your poop is a bit dry and you should drink more water.

Type 4 resembles toothpaste or a smooth, soft sausage. This is the true poo perfection!


Type 5 poop (soft blobs) is considered normal by some specialists, but others say it implies diarrhoea. Thus, its somewhere between normal and diarrhoea.

Types 6 and 7 definitely mean diarrhoea and you feel urgency to pass your stools.

Type 6 has a mushy consistency, like a thick smoothie.

Type 7 is entirely liquid, like chocolate milk. If this lasts more than three days, see your doctor.


3 simple tips to support your immunity with food

Reading Time: 2 minutes

How to stay healthy?

By taking care of your immune system!

Eating the right kind of food is one of the easiest ways to boost your immunity. Here are 3 super simple tips you can do that.

1. Eat your veggies

If you eat enough veggies, you’ll get the important nutrients, vitamins, minerals and antioxidants which you need to keep your body and mind happy.

For an adult it is very important to eat MINIMUM 3 portions of different vegetables every day. 1 portion = 1 your handful (about 100 grams / 4 oz).

Where to start?

Start adding more of these to your diet:

  • broccoli;
  • cabbage;
  • all the colours of bell peppers;
  • spinach;
  • kale;
  • carrots;
  • pumpkin;
  • fennel;
  • turnips;
  • beetroot;
  • brussel sprouts;
  • aubergine;
  • asparagus;
  • green onion;
  • red onion;
  • garlic.

Just pick one you haven’t eaten (for a while) and buy it the next time you go shopping.

2. Eat your fruits and berries

As with vegetables, it is important to enjoy your daily fruit and berry portions/handfuls since it provides your body with energy, fiber, antioxidants, vitamins and minerals.

Make sure that you eat vitamin C and fiber rich fruits and berries like:

  • wild blueberries;
  • cranberries;
  • raspberries;
  • strawberries;
  • currants;
  • lingonberries;
  • sea-buckthorn berries;
  • pomegranate;
  • mango;
  • orange;
  • kiwi;
  • grapefruit;
  • apples;
  • passionfruit;
  • bananas.

3. Eat your nuts and seeds

Nuts and seeds help you reach your recommended intake of protein each day, as well as count toward your daily fat allowance.

Seeds and nuts benefit your health because they offer key essential nutrients and play a role in disease prevention by keeping you healthy as you age.

Bonus tip!

You also get dietary fibers from plants and this is food for your good gut bugs.

Why is it important?

Because: “With 70–80% of immune cells being present in the gut, there is an intricate interplay between the intestinal microbiota, the intestinal epithelial layer, and the local mucosal immune system” (source).

Simply put: if you want to support your immune system to keep you healthy, feed your good gut bugs.

A quick and easy way to increase your fiber intake is to use Elsavie’s fiber supplements. Click this link to discover more.

PS! You may feel tempted not to try these tips, because such simple things have little or no effect. Right?

Nope! The key is consistency.

If you eat the suggested amounts every single day (yes, 7 days a week!), you are guaranteed to have a better functioning immune system in the long run.


What benefits do you get from tracking water?

Reading Time: 2 minutes

Why should you track your water intake?

Firstly, our clients’ experience shows that without tracking they tend to forget to drink water.

Secondly, if asked, they don’t really know how much water they drink during the day and this makes it hard to do any changes.

In short: tracking your water intake helps you to stay hydrated and gives you hard numbers that help you to make adjustments, if needed.

How much water should you drink?

The golden rule is to drink 2 liters / 6.7 oz / 10 glasses of water per day.

How much more water should you drink when taking fiber supplements?

When you increase your fiber intake, you should increase your daily amount of water by 0.5 l / 16.9 oz, or 2.5 glasses.

Why is it important to drink enough water?

Approximately 60% of your body is made of water and if you want to feel good, you need constant hydration.

For example, staying hydrated helps you to:

  • avoid constipation;
  • digest food more efficiently;
  • avoid unnecessary snacking;
  • get rid of wastes through urination, sweating and pooping;
  • boost your energy levels and mood;
  • create enough saliva that fights the bad bacteria in your mouth;
  • maximize physical activity and effort.

What are the signs of dehydration?

It’s important to know the signs of dehydration, because only then you can notice them early enough.

First signs are:

  • thirst;
  • not urinating enough (normal is 6–8 times a day);
  • dark yellow urine.

Depending on the dehydration level, other signs are:

  • loss of appetite, but maybe craving sugar;
  • dry mouth or a dry cough;
  • headache and confusion;
  • tiredness (fatigue);
  • dizziness, weakness, light-headedness;
  • high heart rate but low blood pressure;
  • red skin, swollen feet, muscle cramps.

What’s the difference between water and other liquids?

You are surrounded by tea, coffee, juices, syrups, different soft drinks and alcoholic beverages. They all contain a significant amount of water, but this isn’t the same as drinking pure water or mineral water.


These different liquids contain tanning agents, dehydrating agents and toxins (alcohol is a neurotoxin) that remove fluid from the body, instead of hydrating you. Therefore, always choose pure water or mineral water as your first choice of drink and you’ll keep yourself hydrated.


4 ways dietary fibre improves your health

Reading Time: 3 minutes

How can consistent fibre intake help you improve your health?

Here are 4 great changes you’ll experience with consistent consumption.

1. You will lose weight, as you eat less during the day.

You’ve probably experienced that major sugar craving, which tends to happen in the middle of the work day.

And if you have a few pieces of chocolate or indulge in a cinnamon roll, you’ll feel good for a short while, followed by a sudden drop in energy and drowsiness.

After this, you naturally feel like you should have another bite of something to restore your productivity.

So, your day is filled with constant snacking without you even noticing it and over time your weight starts to slowly but steadily rise.

How can fibre help?

Fibre is also a type of carbohydrate, but unlike simple carbohydrates found in chocolate or cinnamon rolls, fibre has a much more complex structure and therefore takes longer to digest, so you feel full for longer.

Example: while a cinnamon roll makes you feel full for around 30 minutes, it takes 1.5–2 hours before you feel hungry again after having a bowl of oatmeal.

Therefore, by eating foods rich in fibre, you’ll feel full more consistently throughout the day and significantly reduce snacking, which is one of the keys to weight loss.

2. Fibre lowers the level of bad cholesterol

Cholesterol is a fatty substance circulating in the blood.

Cholesterol is essential for the body because it is used to build cells, but too much cholesterol is dangerous because it builds up on the inner walls of blood vessels, increasing the risk that they become clogged.

Clogged blood vessels can lead to life-threatening conditions such as a stroke or heart attack.

Fortunately, fibre can help you.

Soluble fibre binds excess LDL cholesterol (the so-called bad cholesterol that otherwise builds up on the walls of blood vessels) and carries it out of the body with stool.

By eating 5–10 g of soluble fibre a day, you can lower your cholesterol by up to 11 points (that’s really something!).

3. Fibre ensures smooth digestion

You’ve probably suffered from both constipation and diarrhoea in your life.

However, if you experience one or even both of these conditions daily, there might be a more serious problem in your digestive tract.

One common issue is an imbalance of good and bad bacteria in the gut.

Your stomach is dominated by the bacteria you feed more every day.

If you eat a lot of sweets, pastries, large amounts of meat and fast food, bad bacteria start to thrive.

In the worst-case scenario, these bacteria start feed on the protective mucus covering the inner lining of your intestine and eventually the intestinal wall itself, causing a range of inflammatory conditions from abdominal pain to ulcers.

Good bacteria, or probiotics, feed on fibre and you should eat diverse plant-based foods daily to support their predominance, as only plants contain fibre.

Good bacteria thriving in your gut will ensure that you have smooth digestion, easy elimination of waste, and good health in general.

4. Over time, your overall health improves

Fibre and good gut bacteria are not only important for digestion.

The composition of bacteria living in your gut also plays a significant role in the rest of your body and your health. A lot depends on bacteria, for example:

  • the functioning of the immune system;
  • the production of vitamins and hormones;
  • mental well-being;
  • skin condition.

So a fibre-rich diet is much more important than you may have realised and worth investing your time and energy in.

Start slowly when beginning to increase your fibre intake

As with everything in life, too much of a good thing at once is not actually good for you. This is also the case with fibre.

If your diet has been very low in fibre and mainly based on fast food, bread, white pasta, meat, and dairy products, you need to give yourself plenty of time to introduce fibre into your diet.

In particular, if the bacteria in your gut are not used to the new food and high amount of fibre, you may experience stomach pain, bloating, constipation, and gas. Therefore, it is important to increase the amount of fibre gradually.

The recommended average daily amount of fibre is 25 g for women and 35 g for men. It may take several months to work up to this amount. Start with small amounts and work your way up.

Elsavie’s fibre supplements are a great help here. They are easy to measure out and can be used to keep track of your daily fibre intake. Check out our product range in the Elsavie e-shop.

Sources used:

Central Control of Body Weight and Appetite

Brain Regulation of Appetite and Satiety

Cholesterol-Lowering Effects of Dietary Fibre: a Meta-Analysis


How to make healthier food choices?

Reading Time: 2 minutes

You are probably also living a fast-paced life.

The downside of this way of life is that you make a lot of automatic choices.

For example, at the grocery store you always make the same choices without thinking about it too much. The things you buy might be delicious but not necessarily the best for your health.

How can you start doing things differently?

Here are 6 simple tips on how to make gradually healthier choices in your diet.

Replace meat products with legumes a couple of times a week

Legumes are rich in protein as are meat products, so they are a good substitute for meat and fill you up nicely.

For example, try these:

  • add lentils to a sauce or soup instead of minced meat;
  • make chickpea hummus with ingredients you like and use it as a sandwich topping.

    Are you not a fan of tahini and cumin in hummus? Replace them, for example, with garlic and tomato.

Choose whole grains instead of white bread and pasta

White bread and pasta contain very few necessary nutrients.

Replace them with whole grains and your stomach bacteria will be grateful for the fiber they contain.

Your stomach will also stay full longer thanks to whole grains, which will reduce snacking during the day and keep your energy levels steady, enabling you to be more productive at work.

Eat the rainbow! 🌈

Colorful vegetables and berries are rich in fiber and antioxidants, supplying your body with vitamins and nutrients even during the winter season.

The more colors there are on your the plate, the better. Make it a challenge for yourself!

Add fermented foods to your diet

Buttermilk, kefir, yogurt, sauerkraut, pickles, kimchi and other naturally fermented foods all contain useful lactic acid bacteria.

By eating a few tablespoons of sauerkraut every day and drinking a glass of kefir, you probably won’t need to take additional probiotics sold at the pharmacy.

PS! Fermented foods also help you digest fatty foods, so they are very useful before and during all kinds of anniversaries and holidays.

Eat “good” fats

Spread an avocado on your toast instead of butter. Likewise add less cheese and meat and more seeds and nuts to your salad.

Stock up on high-quality cold-pressed olive oil in a green bottle and keep it in a cupboard away from the light to preserve its best qualities.

Useful tip! When frying or making other normally fatty foods, use less oil or replace it with water or vegetable broth instead.

When times get busy, enhance your meals with the fiber supplement

It is not always possible to get everything you need from food.

Elsavie fiber supplements are designed to complement your daily diet so you can always get the necessary amount of fiber. Read more about the fiber supplements by clicking on this link.


4 viisi, kuidas kiudained su tervist parandavad

Reading Time: 3 minutes

Kuidas aitab kiudainete järjepidev tarbimine sul parema tervise saavutada?

Siin on 4 rõõmustavat muutust, mida järjepideval tarbimisel koged.

1. Su kaal langeb ise, sest sa näksid päeva jooksul vähem

Kindlasti oled kogenud suurt magusaisu, mis kipub just tööpäeva keskel külastama.

Ja kui võtadki mõne tüki šokolaadi või pistad nahka kaneelirulli, järgneb lühiajaline heaolutunne ning seejärel tabab sind järsk energialangus ning unisus.

Seda madalpunkti kogedes tundub loomulik miskit uuesti ampsata, sest tarvis on oma töövõime taastada.

Nõnda saadabki sinu päeva märkamatu näksimiste jada ning aja jooksul hakkab kaal tasapisi ent järjekindlalt tõusma.

Kuidas kiudained sind aidata saavad?

Ka kiudained on süsivesikud, kuid erinevalt šokolaadis või kaneelirullis olevatest lihtsa ehitusega süsivesikutest on kiudained palju keerulisema struktuuriga ja seetõttu seedivad nad kauem, mistõttu püsib täiskõhutunne pikemalt.

Näide: kui kaneelirulli tekitatud täiskõhutunne kaob ca 30 minutiga, siis kausitäis kaerahelbeputru hoiab täiskõhutunnet 1,5–2 tundi.

Seega – süües kiudainerikkaid toite, hoiad sa päeva jooksul ühtlasemalt täiskõhutunnet ning vähendad näksimiste hulka märkimisväärselt, mis on kaalulanguse puhul üheks võtmekohaks.

2. Kiudained alandavad halva kolesterooli taset

Kolesterool on veres ringlev rasvjas aine.

Kehale on kolesterool väga vajalik, sest keha kasutab seda rakkude ehituses, kuid liiga kõrge kolesteroolitase on sulle ohtlik, kuna kolesterool ladestub veresoonte sisemistele seintele ning tõstab nõnda ummistumise ohtu.

Joonise allikas

Ummistused võivad viia eluohtlike seisunditeni, nt insuldi või südamerabanduseni.

Õnneks saavad sulle abiks olla kiudained.

Lahustuvad kiudained seovad üleliigse LDL-kolesterooli (nn halb kolesterool, mis muidu ladestub veresoonte seintele) enda külge ning viivad selle koos väljaheitega kehast välja.

Süües igapäevaselt 5–10 g lahustuvaid kiudaineid on sul võimalik oma kolesteroolitaset alandada kuni 11 punkti (see on kõva sõna!).

3. Kiudained tagavad sujuva seedimise

Kindlasti oled elu jooksul kogenud nii kõhukinnisust kui ka -lahtisust.

Kui aga üks või lausa mõlemad neist seisunditest on sinu jaoks igapäevased kaaslased, võib oletada, et su kõhus on midagi suuremat korrast ära.

Üks levinud probleeme on heade ja halbade bakterite tasakaalutus soolestikus.

Sinu kõhus on ülekaalus need bakterid, keda sa igapäevaselt rohkem toidad.

Kui sööd palju maiustusi, saiakesi, suurtes kogustes liha ning kiirtoitu, hakkavad vohama halvad bakterid.

Negatiivseimal juhul asuvad need bakterid sööma sinu soolestiku siseseina katvat kaitsvat lima ning lõpuks ka sooleseina ennast, põhjustades nõnda erinevaid põletikulisi nähte kõhuvalust haavanditeni.

Head bakterid ehk probiootikumid toituvad kiudainetest ning nende ülekaalu toetamiseks on oluline süüa igapäevaselt mitmekesist taimset toitu, sest ainult taimedes leidub kiudaineid.

Heade bakterite võidutsemine soolestikus tagab sulle sujuva seedimise, kerge jääkide väljutamise ning korras üldtervise.

4. Aja jooksul paraneb su üldtervis

Kiudained ja head kõhubakterid ei ole olulised ainult seedimises.

Kõhus elav bakterikooslus mängib suurt rolli ka sinu ülejäänud keha ja tervise juures, näiteks sõltub bakteritest palju:

  • immuunsüsteemi toimimine;
  • vitamiinide ja hormoonide tootmine;
  • vaimne heaolu;
  • naha seisukord.

Seega on kiudaineterikas toitumine palju suurema tähtsusega, kui sulle seni võibolla tundunud on ning sellesse tasub oma aega ning energiat panustada.

Kiudainete rohkema tarbimisega alusta rahulikult

Nagu elus ikka, siis kohe ja korraga liiga palju head ei ole hea. See kehtib ka kiudainete puhul.

Kui sinu senine toitumine on olnud väga kiudainetevaene ja peamisteks märksõnadeks on kiirtoit, sai, valged makaronid, liha- ja piimatooted, siis tuleb kiudainete menüüsse lisamisel anda endale piisavalt aega.

Nimelt, kui kõhubakterid ei ole harjunud uue toidu ning suure koguse kiudainetega võib sul esineda kõhuvalu, -lahtisust, -kinnisust ning gaase. Seetõttu on tähtis suurendada kiudainete kogust järgemööda.

Soovituslik keskmine kiudainete kogus päevas naisele on 25 g ja mehele 35 g. Selle koguseni jõudmine võib sul aega võtta mitu kuud. Alusta väikeste kogustega ning tasahaaval.

Siinkohal on suureks abimeheks Elsavie kiudainesegud, mida on lihtne doseerida ning mille abil saad päevasel kiudainete kogusel lihtsalt silma peal hoida. Tutvu meie tootevalikuga Elsavie e-poes.

Kirjutamisel kasutatud allikad:

„Central Control of Body Weight and Appetite“

„Brain regulation of appetite and satiety“

„Cholesterol-lowering effects of dietary fiber: a meta-analysis“


What does healthy poop look like?

Reading Time: 2 minutes

What kind of poop is considered healthy/”normal”?

On the Bristol stool scale the perfect poop is type 3 and type 4.

Type 3: If your faeces resemble a sausage with a slightly cracked surface, it indicates that you have consumed a sufficient amount of fibre, but should perhaps be drinking more water.

Try drinking at least two more glasses of water per day.

Type 4: Stool that looks like a smooth and soft sausage or has a consistency that is similar to that of toothpaste indicates a balanced intake of fibre and water.

Poop perfect! 🙌🦄

What kind of colour is normal?

The colour of a normal stool ranges from light yellow to brown and almost black.

The classic brown colour comes from bile in the stool.

What else should you keep in mind about healthy bowel movement?

Note these four things:

  1. Once you start feeling the need to poo, you should be able to hold it in for a little before having to go to the toilet.
  2. Your poop should be quick and easy to pass, and it shouldn’t take more than a minute.
  3. When you go to the toilet, you should empty your bowel completely so that you do not feel like you need to go again right after.
  4. You should defecate 1–3 times a day to 3 times a week.

How to achieve the perfect poo?

If you feel that your pooping game needs improvement, do these simple things daily and you’ll soon see the joyful results.

  • Keep your body hydrated and drink 8–10 glasses of water per day.
  • Be active: walk 15–30 minutes every day.
  • Learn to manage your stress levels by meditating or doing mindfulness exercises.
  • Eat lots of different plants to get dietary fiber, that helps to normalize bowel movement.
  • Want an extra boost? Try our Feel Good Inside fibre mix to get your bowel movements running like clockwork.

Why you should eat 30 different plants per week

Reading Time: 3 minutes

Did you know that gut bacteria have an essential role to play in digestion?

Well, they do! Gut microbes produce a large number of compounds that can significantly influence your health – from hormonal balance and skin health to mental well-being.

How to boost friendly bacteria in your gut?

Broadly speaking, there are two types of bacteria in the gut: those that benefit you and keep you healthy, and those that are harmful and can make you ill in the long run.

How can you promote beneficial probiotic bacteria in your gut?

By regularly feeding them the right food, of course!

The correct food to feed the friendly bacteria in your gut is dietary fibre or prebiotics.

It is important to understand that fibre can ONLY be found in plant-based foods and different types of fibre can be obtained from foods from the plant kingdom.

Therefore, to keep your friendly gut bacteria happy, you should eat a wide variety of plant-based foods. The more different plants you eat each day, the better 😊.

Why 30 different plants a week?

Because it is a fun and creative way to improve your gut health by encouraging the growth of good bacteria while also exploring new plant-based foods.

Inspiration for this idea was derived from the ground-breaking book, which we have handy in the Elsavie office, Fiber Fueled, written by the renowned US gastroenterologist Dr. Will Bulsiewicz.

Based on extensive research and his wealth of experience, Will Bulsiewicz has come to the conclusion that:

  • people who consume more than 30 varieties of plants per week have the healthiest gut microbiomes;
  • the total number of different microbes living in your gut ecosystem is a good indicator of your overall health;
  • the diversity of plants on your plate will ultimately be equal to the different families of microbes in your gut which, in turn, will benefit your body.

How to eat 30 plants a week

At first, eating 30 different plant foods in one week may seem like a mammoth task and you might feel like you don’t even know that many different fruits and vegetables. But do not worry – it is easier than you think!

Start by writing down all the plants you already eat in a week, both raw and processed:

  • fruits;
  • root vegetables;
  • vegetables;
  • grains;
  • seeds;
  • nuts;
  • berries.

In order for a specific plant to count, you have to eat at least a handful of said plant. If you eat less than that, the plant doesn’t count.

Photo source

Why does it not count?

For example, if you only eat one nut, it has virtually no impact on your gut health. However, if you eat a handful of nuts, you get a sufficient amount of fibre that can help your gut bacteria thrive.

Take small steps when diversifying your plant intake and every time you’re in the kitchen or every time you go to the supermarket, see it as an opportunity to discover new flavours and gain new experiences.

This will prompt you to browse the shelves you normally walk past at the supermarket and motivate you to try out exciting new recipes.

Top high-fibre plant foods to get you started

Below is a brief overview of the different kinds of fibre you can find in plants.

The most important thing to remember is that diversity is the key to making the good bacteria in your gut healthy and happy.

Inulin stimulates the growth of both bifidobacteria and butyrate-producing bacteria. In addition, inulin also enhances calcium and magnesium absorption.

Sources of inulin include:

  • wheat;
  • rye;
  • barley;
  • Jerusalem artichokes;
  • onions;
  • alliaceous vegetables.

Resistant starch also promotes the growth of butyrate-producing bacteria. Resistant starch is abundant in the following foods:

  • legumes (especially field beans);
  • green (raw) banana;
  • maize;
  • potatoes and rice – boiled and cooled down to fridge temperature;
  • manioc, or cassava.

Beta-glucans increase the activity of the immune system, prevent the absorption of cholesterol, and facilitate digestion. They are abundant in two cereals:

  • oats;
  • barley.

Pectin helps create a feeling of fullness and facilitates intestinal transit. Sources of pectin include:

  • apples;
  • carrots;
  • cabbage;
  • currants;
  • plums;
  • gooseberries;
  • rowanberries;
  • apricots;
  • beets;
  • buckwheat.

Cellulose is an important fibre for the stimulation of intestinal function. It can be found in the woody parts, leaves, grain shells, skin, and roots of plants. Sources of cellulose include:

  • berries;
  • alliaceous vegetables;
  • grains;
  • cabbage;
  • spinach.

Arabinoxylans help rid our bodies of excess cholesterol and regulate insulin levels after eating. Sources of arabinoxylans include:

  • whole rye and wheat;
  • rye and wheat bran;
  • barley;
  • beans;
  • lentils.

Happy tasting and discovering! 💚

PS! Modern life is fast paced and sometimes you might not hit the 30 plants mark. Then Elsavie fiber supplements come handy. Click on this link to explore more!


What do elsavie fibre supplements contain?

Reading Time: 4 minutes

Over the past ten years, food supplements have been all the rage among health-conscious people, with everyone making recommendations for all kinds of wonderful supplements.

However, there is one important ‘but’ here…

The food supplement industry is a relatively uncontrolled industry, which means that almost anyone can concoct a product and put it on the market.

On the one hand, it facilitates the entry of new market players, which means that you as a consumer have greater choice, but, on the other, it also means that you have to do more research on your own to find products that have actual health benefits.

When it comes to supplements, ingredient transparency is key

Health is of the utmost importance – for this reason, we want to make sure that you are aware of which fibres Elsavie fibre supplements contain and how they support your well-being.

In cooperation with the Center of Food and Fermentation Technologies (TFTAK), we have developed four dietary fibre supplements containing six different fibres:

  1. rye bran;
  2. inulin;
  3. psyllium;
  4. beta-glucans;
  5. pectin from citrus fruits;
  6. polydextrose.

Rye bran is a milling product that contains grain outer layers and cell walls from endosperm.

Rye bran can be found in whole grain rye products, such as rye flour and rye bread. The rye bran used in Elsavie supplements comes from the Koplimäe Organic Farm in Estonia.

Inulin is a fibre commonly found in wheat, rye, red onions, pearl onions, artichokes, and Jerusalem artichokes. In most cases, it is the Jerusalem artichoke that is used to manufacture inulin.

Inulin improves digestive health, promotes weight loss, and stabilises blood glucose, making it especially beneficial for people with diabetes.

Psyllium (Indian tea leaf husks) is naturally high in fibre, containing 85 grams of fibre per 100 grams of psyllium.

Psyllium has a beneficial effect on the gut. In addition, it helps lower blood sugar and cholesterol levels and increases the absorption of iron, potassium and vitamin C.

Beta-glucans are naturally present in barley and oats. Beta-glucans help boost the immune system and can bind with cholesterol-rich bile acids in the intestine and transport them out of the body.

We have received feedback from several of our clients that our products have successfully and naturally helped them lower their cholesterol levels.

Pectin from citrus fruits absorbs water and expands, making you feel full for longer. Pectin is also used as a thickener, for example, in jam making. Currants, citrus fruit, apples, beetroot, plums, and buckwheat are all rich in pectins.

Polydextrose is a synthetic polymer of glucose.

Developed in a laboratory, polydextrose has a somewhat negative image, even though there is nothing negative about it, as it is produced from naturally occurring glucose.

Since polydextrose does not get digested by the human body, it makes its way into the large intestine where it is digested by good bacteria, stimulating their growth.

Feel good inside

Feel good inside is the supplement with the highest content of fibre in Elsavie’s product range, containing all six abovementioned fibres. Containing 72% fibre in one serving, it is our most classic and best-selling supplement.

Beauty inside & outside

Beauty inside & outside is our second most popular dietary fibre supplement. It contains psyllium, pectins, and beta-glucans, adding up to a total of 54% fibre per serving.

We also added collagen and zinc to the product, which help boost the immune system and support skin, hair and nail health.

Calm your rumbly tummy

The red Calm your rumbly tummy dietary fibre supplement contains 67% fibre per serving (psyllium, pectins, beta-glucans). This supplement is ideal for people with a sensitive stomach or those dealing with inflammation in the gut.

In addition to fibre, the supplement also contains aloe vera extract, turmeric, and Calendula to further promote anti-inflammatory activity.

Food not only for thought

Containing 48% fibre and 22% protein, the dietary fibre supplement Food not only for thought has been specifically developed for people with an active lifestyle and is an excellent substitute for regular protein drinks.

In addition to protein and fibre (pectin, psyllium, beta-glucans, inulin), the supplement also contains caffeine, potassium, magnesium, and zinc to promote athletic performance, recovery, and digestion all at the same time.

Dietary fibre – a useful supplement

Dietary fibre supplements offer many benefits, but as the name suggests, they are only intended to supplement, not replace, healthy foods.

For this reason, we encourage you to eat healthy amounts of different fruits, vegetables, berries, nuts and seeds each day, and support this with all the great benefits of our dietary fibre supplements, so that both you and the good bacteria in your gut can stay healthy and happy.


Oluline põhjus, miks sa võiksid süüa nädalas 30 erinevat taime

Reading Time: 3 minutes

Kas sa teadsid, et kõhubakterid mängivad su seedimises väga olulist rolli?

See on tõesti nii, sest nende toodetud ühendid mõjutavad sinu keha ja üldist tervist märkimisväärses ulatuses: hormonaalsest tasakaalust naha seisukorra ja vaimse heaoluni välja.

Kuidas toita sulle kasulikke baktereid?

Laias laastus on su kõhus kaht sorti baktereid: need, kes on sulle kasulikud ja hoiavad sind tervena, ning need, kes on sulle kahjulikud ja võivad su pikas plaanis haigeks teha.

Kuidas toetada kasulikke baktereid ehk probiootikume?

Eks ikka neile regulaarselt õiget sööki andes.

Õige söök kasulikele bakteritele on kiudained ehk prebiootikumid.

Oluline on mõista, et kiudaineid leidub AINULT taimses toidus ning erinevad kiudained on peidus erinevates taimedes.

Seega – kõhubakterite heaolu seisukohast vaadatuna on oluline, et sa sööksid võimalikult palju mitmekesist taimset toitu. Mida rohkem erinevaid taimi iga päev sööd, seda parem 😊.

Miks süüa nädalas just 30 erinevat taime?

Sest see on põnev ja hasarti tekitav viis läheneda oma heade kõhubakterite eest hoolitsemisele ning sul on samal ajal suurepärane võimalus avastada uusi vilju.

Selle idee inspiratsioon tuleb Elsavie kontori laual olevast olulisest raamatust „Fiber Fueled“, mille autoriks on tunnustatud USA gastroenteroloog dr Will Bulsiewicz.

Teadusuuringute ja oma praktika pealt ütleb Will Bulsiewicz kokkuvõtvalt järgnevat:

  • inimestel, kes söövad vähemalt 30 erinevat taime nädalas, on väga heas korras kõhu mikrobioom;
  • erinevate bakterite koguarv sinu kõhu ökosüsteemis on su üldtervise heaks indikaatoriks;
  • erinevad taimed sinu taldrikul võrduvad lõpuks erinevate bakteriperekondadega sinu kõhus ja sellest mitmekesisusest võidab su keha.

Kuidas jõuda nädalas 30 taime söömiseni?

Esimese hooga võib 30 taime söömine tunduda suure väljakutsena ja sind võib tabada tunne, et sa ei tunnegi nii paljusid erinevaid vilju. See on igati mõistetav.

Alusta sellest, et paned kirja kõik need taimed, mida juba praegu tarbid oma tavapärase nädala jooksul nii toorelt kui ka töödeldult:

  • puuviljad;
  • juurviljad;
  • köögiviljad;
  • teraviljad;
  • seemned;
  • pähklid;
  • marjad.

Selleks, et konkreetne vili arvesse läheks, võta aluseks peotäie ühik. Kui tarbid alla selle koguse, siis vili kirja ei lähe.

Foto allikas

Miks nii?

Näiteks süües ühe pähkli, ei oma see su kõhuelustikule pea mingit efekti. Kui aga sööd peotäie pähkleid on selles juba piisav kogus kiudaineid, mis suudab bakterite paljunemist mõjutada.

Taimede mitmekesisuse tõstmisel liigu väikeste sammudega ning võta aluseks mõte, et iga kord kui sa plaanid käiku toidupoodi või toimetad köögis, on see võimalus katsetada uusi maitseid ning saada ägedaid elamusi.

Nõnda tekib sul positiivne hasart vaadata poes riiulitele millest sa varem lihtsalt mööda oled jalutanud ning teha toite, mida seni pole katsetanud.

Kiire spikker: milliseid kiudaineid mis viljades leidub

Inspiratsiooniks väike ülevaade, mis taimedes milliseid kiudaineid leidub.

Pea veel meeles: võimalikult suur mitmekesisus on heade kõhubakterite õnne ja rõõmu aluseks.

Inuliin soodustab bifidobakterite ja võihapet tootvate bakterite kasvu. Lisaks parandab see kaltsiumi ja magneesiumi imendumist

Inuliini allikateks on:

  • nisu;
  • rukis;
  • oder;
  • maapirn;
  • sibul;
  • laugud.

Seedumatu ehk vähelõhustuv tärklis aitab samuti võihapet tootvate bakterite kasvule kaasa. Seedumatut tärklist on palju järgnevates toiduainetes:

  • kaunviljad (eriti põlduba);
  • roheline (toores) banaan;
  • mais;
  • keedetud ning seejärel külmkapi temperatuurile jahutatud kartul ja riis;
  • maniokk ehk kassaava.

Beeta-glükaanid aktiveerivad immuunsüsteemi, takistavad kolesterooli imendumist ja soodustavad seedetegevust. Rikkalikult on neid kahes teraviljas:

  • kaer;
  • oder.

Pektiin aitab tekitada täiskõhutunnet ja soodustab soole läbikäimist. Pektiini allikateks on:

  • õun;
  • porgand;
  • kapsas;
  • sõstar;
  • ploom;
  • tikker;
  • pihlakas;
  • aprikoos;
  • peet;
  • tatar.

Tselluloos on oluline kiudaine soolte töö ergutamiseks. Seda sisaldavad taimede puitunud osad, lehed, terade kestad, koor ja juurikad. Tselluloosi leidub:

  • marjad;
  • laugud;
  • teraviljad;
  • kapsas;
  • spinat.

Arabinoksülaanid aitavad kaasa liigsest kolesteroolist vabanemisele ja reguleerivad insuliinitaset peale söömist. Arabinoksülaane sisaldavad:

  • täisterarukis ja -nisu;
  • rukki- ja nisukliid;
  • oder;
  • oad;
  • läätsed.

Põnevat avastamist ja katsetamist! 💚

PS! Ja kui sul ei õnnestu alati nii palju taimi süüa, siis abiks on ka kiudainesegud, mis kiirel ajal sinu erinevate kiudainete vajadusi täita aitavad. Elsavie kiudainesegud leiad siit.